Lactate is not your enemy

Lactate is not your enemy

For years the conventional thinking among fitness experts, and even scientists, has been to demonise lactic acid, or lactate, as the culprit for acute muscle soreness during stressful exercise. Entire...

Lactate is not your enemy

For years the conventional thinking among fitness experts, and even scientists, has been to demonise lactic acid, or lactate, as the culprit for acute muscle soreness during stressful exercise. Entire...

Conquer your swim weaknesses

Conquer your swim weaknesses

The sooner you identify your specific downfall as a swimmer, the faster you’ll be out of the open water and onto your bike. Pick which swimmer best describes you and follow the advice...

Conquer your swim weaknesses

The sooner you identify your specific downfall as a swimmer, the faster you’ll be out of the open water and onto your bike. Pick which swimmer best describes you and follow the advice...

Avoid Finish Line Disappointment

Avoid Finish Line Disappointment

Athletes race for different reasons, and they often finish feeling disappointed and unsatisfied with their accomplishments. Can you make a better job of defining success? Goal-setting experts tell us we need to set “SMART” goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant...

Avoid Finish Line Disappointment

Athletes race for different reasons, and they often finish feeling disappointed and unsatisfied with their accomplishments. Can you make a better job of defining success? Goal-setting experts tell us we need to set “SMART” goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant...

Five mindset approaches to unlock your full potential

Five mindset approaches to unlock your full pot...

At its core, mindset is a term that reflects our overarching set of thoughts, beliefs and attitudes about who we think we are as a person and as an athlete....

Five mindset approaches to unlock your full pot...

At its core, mindset is a term that reflects our overarching set of thoughts, beliefs and attitudes about who we think we are as a person and as an athlete....

Cold Water Immersion and Breathwork

Cold Water Immersion and Breathwork

Cold Water Immersion and Breathwork We are bombarded with buzz words and fads, and you may have relegated the terms above into the pile that also includes celebrity diets and...

Cold Water Immersion and Breathwork

Cold Water Immersion and Breathwork We are bombarded with buzz words and fads, and you may have relegated the terms above into the pile that also includes celebrity diets and...

2021 in review: a huge year for #teamxnd athletes!

2021 in review: a huge year for #teamxnd athletes!

As we close out 2021, we wanted to take a few moments to celebrate all the sporting success of our #teamxnd athletes. Despite the ever-present pandemic, our athletes have navigated...

2021 in review: a huge year for #teamxnd athletes!

As we close out 2021, we wanted to take a few moments to celebrate all the sporting success of our #teamxnd athletes. Despite the ever-present pandemic, our athletes have navigated...