Thank God for the Squad
SQUAD TRAINING Coming off the back of a couple of tough years of COVID, with ruined race plans and disjointed training sessions - the benefits of squad training has never been...
Thank God for the Squad
SQUAD TRAINING Coming off the back of a couple of tough years of COVID, with ruined race plans and disjointed training sessions - the benefits of squad training has never been...

5 ways to run smarter
1) Ditch the junk miles - only add work-outs that have a purpose. Instead of assuming that squeezing in an extra run is always a good idea, you’re going to refrain from...
5 ways to run smarter
1) Ditch the junk miles - only add work-outs that have a purpose. Instead of assuming that squeezing in an extra run is always a good idea, you’re going to refrain from...

Hit your stride
Foot strike is dominating the discussion about running form. Some researchers say that if we run as our ancestors did (barefoot or close to it), it would be impossible to land on the heel, therefore heel striking—and...
Hit your stride
Foot strike is dominating the discussion about running form. Some researchers say that if we run as our ancestors did (barefoot or close to it), it would be impossible to land on the heel, therefore heel striking—and...

Early breath drill
When a triathlete has difficulties with breathing during freestyle, the problem is usually starting the breath too late in the stroke cycle. This degrades the swimmer’s ability to breathe, ultimately limiting performance in the water. Coordinating your...
Early breath drill
When a triathlete has difficulties with breathing during freestyle, the problem is usually starting the breath too late in the stroke cycle. This degrades the swimmer’s ability to breathe, ultimately limiting performance in the water. Coordinating your...

Training with Young Children
By Kara Tranter Trying to find time to train around home-life and work can be difficult enough without throwing young children into the mix as well. However it is a...
Training with Young Children
By Kara Tranter Trying to find time to train around home-life and work can be difficult enough without throwing young children into the mix as well. However it is a...

Lactate is not your enemy
For years the conventional thinking among fitness experts, and even scientists, has been to demonise lactic acid, or lactate, as the culprit for acute muscle soreness during stressful exercise. Entire...
Lactate is not your enemy
For years the conventional thinking among fitness experts, and even scientists, has been to demonise lactic acid, or lactate, as the culprit for acute muscle soreness during stressful exercise. Entire...
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