Meet our Sponsorship winner - Kara Tranter

Meet our Sponsorship winner - Kara Tranter

Cesca Baguley

I’m 35 and live in Worcestershire, UK with my husband and two children (3yrs and 7yrs). I’ve always loved being outside and spent many years enjoying horse riding, raft racing and represented Great Britain in dragon boating back in 2009. After having my son though, I was looking for something to get me fit again that didn’t cost the Earth and so I found running; what a fool I was!!

I worked up my fitness and completed a half marathon then soon looked for my next challenge. My husband had taken up cycling and so the idea of a triathlon came about despite the fact I couldn’t swim front crawl and I found cycling hard and uncomfortable. With the support and encouragement of a fabulous coach, Samantha Anderson, who taught me to swim, and after ‘borrowing’ my husband’s road bike, I started my triathlon journey. My first multisport event was a beginner’s duathlon (run/bike/run) which also had prizes for fancy dress and so I competed as batwoman and won the super sprint race (and the fancy dress prize too!).

Since then, I got a lot faster, bought my own bike(s!) and spent a lot of money on all the kit a triathlete needs. There goes the thought of a cheap and inexpensive way to get fit!

Since those early days we welcomed our daughter to the world and take great pleasure in seeing both children embrace the outdoors and an active lifestyle. Throughout lockdown my son challenged himself to run a mile every day on the treadmill and our daughter is pedalling away on her bike at only 3yrs of age. The best day of the week for them is Friday as having both parents as cycling coaches means they get to come along and enjoy an evening of cycling with us.

As a family we do lead a very busy life with full time jobs, coaching others, training, household chores, and making quality family time but it is all about getting that balance. Training for me is my way of dealing with any stresses and always puts me in a good mood. I really enjoy coaching others and seeing the joy in people’s faces when they achieved something they never thought possible. I’m often called Wonder Woman by friends and family for all I do but it would not be possible without the support I have at home. There is a fine line between being crazy and inspiring, I often ride this line on a Saturday night at 8pm when I’m an hour into a 2.5hr turbo training session when most people would be sat on the sofa enjoying a takeaway and a movie.

My goals for 2022 will be to represent Great Britain in a multisport event (I’ve qualified for both sprint triathlon and sprint duathlon), qualify for further World or European Championships for 2023 and also compete in two Middle distance (70.3km) triathlons.

I’m looking forward to working with Xendurance as with everything else going on in my life nutrition is often an afterthought. Hopefully, with their expertise, a solid training plan from my coach Ali Brown and a positive mindset we can exceed what I thought possible and hit 2022 with a bang.

My ultimate aim is just to be the best version of me.

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