How to fuel for a long ride

How to fuel for a long ride

Cesca Baguley


We all store a certain amount of carbohydrate (energy) in our bodies. This quickly becomes depleted during our long rides, so you will need to take on extra carbohydrate to boost your energy supply. You can consume energy bars, gels and drinks to replenish your carbohydrate.

Your body can consume about 60g – 90g per hour, anymore and it will not be absorbed and you are then facing gastrointestinal problems, such as sickness and diarrhea.  Not fun anywhere, but even less fun half way on a ride, so be prepared in advance.

It's also key to train and practice your nutrition plan before racing, so this is where your long ride nutrition is key. Work out in advance what is your best fuelling strategy – then stick to it.


As you sweat, you lose fluids and electrolytes which must be replaced, if you neglect this you quickly become dehydrated and this will affect your performance.

Ensure you have bottles ready and do not wait too long, it is too late when you are already thirsty, think about drinking little and often.


Ensure you are well fuelled for the day and have drunk plenty of water – get organised. Many athletes spend hours tuning their bike or adjust their clothing, but your day can quickly be ruined if your nutrition plan is not on point.

Your pre-long ride breakfast is key - this should be not too heavy but high in carbohydrates with a small amount protein too. Toast, porridge and even rice pudding are good options for carbohydrate. A poached egg or omelette is the ideal source of protein and gentle on your stomach.


A long distance ride is often achieved when you nail your nutrition, start to eat and drink as soon as you have settled down into your rhythm.

You might not feel it straight away but it will make a difference later on. You should be aiming to consume 60-90g of carbohydrate per hour – check your gels, drinks and bars for the exact number of grams of carbohydrate per item, you should know these numbers and be well prepared.

 The weather conditions often affect how much you can drink, obviously in hot conditions you should be looking drink more.

 If you are cycling at high altitudes,  you will burn even more energy – be prepared to fuel even more often.

    Every 20 mins:

    • Check your nutrition plan.
    • Have you drunk enough?
    • Is it time to get some more carbs on board?

    Below are our top product choices to help your long ride nutrition: 

    Xendurance Lactic Acid Buffer:

    Helps: Overall performance, endurance and recovery.

    When: Every day, as soon as you sign up for your event / race

    As a cyclist you already know the harder you train and compete, more acid builds up in your muscles, this increased acidity reduces your muscles power plus reduces physical and mental endurance. You, your friends and your coaches refer to this as lactic acid buildup or lactic acid fatigue.

    Xendurance lactic acid buffering formula helps prevent this dreaded acid buildup in your muscles; in two scientific studies this has been clinically proven to increase your aerobic threshold. It will not completely prevent the lactic acid build up, but delay the onset– allowing you to work harder for a longer period of time and recover quicker and reach your ultimate goal on your race.

    Each packet contains 180 tablets; a one-month supply. This is not a pre or post workout formula, you build up a dosage in your body, you take three tablets with breakfast and three with your evening meal, every day and even on rest days – you should start to notice a difference in your recovery within just 72 hours. This formula is back by Informed Sport, so you know it is 100% drug free and legal.

    Before – as soon as your training starts, you should be using this product, to get the maximum benefits.

    During your event / race– increase your dosage to four tablets twice a day, to get you through your event with less pain and a quicker recovery.

    After – complete the packet you have opened.

    Xendurance Hydro:

    Helps: Hydration and performance.

    When: During training and throughout your race or event

    Hydro is an electrolyte powder containing only 1g of sugar per serving. Combined with premium electrolytes, Hydro contains an ingredient called Alltamine®. This powerful ingredient promotes increased absorption of water into the cells helping to improve muscle recovery and energy. Hydro targets muscle cramping and can be taken any time during the day or whenever you need to rehydrate and recharge

    Before – Hydro can be used before racing or training

    During your event – Continue to drink Hydro throughout your race and event, putting 1 or 2 scoops in each water bottle

    After – continue to drink Hydro post race to help with re-hydration and recovery

     Xendurance Fuel 5

    Helps: Energy and performance.

    When: During training and throughout your race or event

    Fuel 5 is a carbohydrate powder designed for fast and extended training - ideal for athletes competing in prolonged endurance exercise, such as running, cycling and triathlon. With four carbohydrate sources in Fuel-5 this keeps your glycogen levels topped up, helping to maintain performance and delay the onset of fatigue. Improving your overall performance, whilst giving your body, clean and natural energy.

    Fuel 5+ contains all the benefits of Fuel 5, but with additional caffeine. 

    Before – Fuel 5 can be used before racing or training

    During your event – Continue to drink Fuel 5 throughout your race and event, using quantities that you are used to in your training

    After – Fuel 5 can be mixed with Xendurance protein to provide the ultimate recovery drink

    Xendurance Energy Gels:

    Helps: Energy and performance.

    When: During training and throughout your race or event

    An Xendurance Energy Gel delivers your body with 27g of carbohydrate designed to promote fast and immediate energy in an easy to open and swallow sachet.

    You should aim to consume a 70g gel every 30 minutes when working hard, these are suitable for vegans and vegetarians and are essential when training hard or on your event ride.

    Available in two flavours: Berry or Citrus.

    Before – as soon as your training starts, get used to using Xendurance gels.

    During your event – aim to consume one 70g gel every thirty minutes to hard riding – do not wait until you feel tired, take one on a regular basis, otherwise your body will run out of fuel.

    After – eat real food

    Immune Boost:

    Helps: Immune Support.

    When: Every day, as soon as you sign up for your event and start training.

    Numerous studies have confirmed that after strenuous rides or training sessions, your body is under oxidative stress and attack, this free radical damage that is created during healthy exercise stresses your immune system.

    As a hard working cyclist who rides regularly you should have the maximum amount of antioxidant defence in place to minimise this cell damage created by your hard earned fitness. Endurance athletes and cyclist who place unusual demands on their bodies should take extra care about maintaining their antioxidant levels.

    With Immune Boost, you can flood the inside of your body, daily, with a powerful antioxidant cocktail to help protect against oxidative stress and free radical damage. So you can train hard again next day, but also ensure you arrive at your Haute Route event in top condition.

    Immune Boost is taken like any other daily multivitamin – just 3 soft capsules, twice a day

    Beforeas soon as your training starts, you should be using this product, to get the maximum benefits.

    During your event – take your normal dosage

    After – complete the packet you have opened.

    Xendurance Protein:

    Helps: Recovery and rebuilding your muscles.

    When: As soon as you sign up for your event and start training.

    You have trained and competed hard, now your body must recover and quickly, for tomorrows training session or your next day in the saddle.

    The Xendurance Protein is a blend of four types of Protein, for both immediate and slow release to improve your overall recovery.

    Xendurance Protein contains a full Branch Chain Amino Acid profile to give you the best results, as an athlete you should aim to consume 1.5g-2g of protein per kg of bodyweight each day.

    Available in Vanilla, Chocolate or our new Vegan Protein called Lean.

    Beforeafter every training session, ideally with 30 minutes of finishing.

    Duringafter every stage of your event, ideally with 30 minutes of coming off your bike – the sooner the better and the quicker your muscles will start to recover

    After – complete the packet you have opened.




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