4 tips for a running breakthrough

4 tips for a running breakthrough

Take advice from some of the sport’s best coaches on how you can shake up your training for a faster run split next race. 1) Practice race skills in a group: Sure, you...

4 tips for a running breakthrough

Take advice from some of the sport’s best coaches on how you can shake up your training for a faster run split next race. 1) Practice race skills in a group: Sure, you...

Conquer your swim weaknesses

Conquer your swim weaknesses

The sooner you identify your specific downfall as a swimmer, the faster you’ll be out of the open water and onto your bike. Pick which swimmer best describes you and follow the advice...

Conquer your swim weaknesses

The sooner you identify your specific downfall as a swimmer, the faster you’ll be out of the open water and onto your bike. Pick which swimmer best describes you and follow the advice...

Gravel Grind on My Mind

Gravel Grind on My Mind

by Inkalinka_on_the_bike I’m a road cyclist. I have been for about 7 years now, since I abandoned my long distance running due to frequent knee injuries. I love my road...

Gravel Grind on My Mind

by Inkalinka_on_the_bike I’m a road cyclist. I have been for about 7 years now, since I abandoned my long distance running due to frequent knee injuries. I love my road...

Race Build Stage

Race Build Stage

Race Build Phase: with the clocks moving forward, weather improving and water warming up (a little), many triathletes thoughts are turning to their race preparation training phase. Here’s a few...

Race Build Stage

Race Build Phase: with the clocks moving forward, weather improving and water warming up (a little), many triathletes thoughts are turning to their race preparation training phase. Here’s a few...

Getting Back Up to Speed

Getting Back Up to Speed

How do I regain short-course speed after training for an Ironman? Most triathletes are much more comfortable with “going long” than going fast, they can run all day, but put them near max and the...

Getting Back Up to Speed

How do I regain short-course speed after training for an Ironman? Most triathletes are much more comfortable with “going long” than going fast, they can run all day, but put them near max and the...

Avoid Finish Line Disappointment

Avoid Finish Line Disappointment

Athletes race for different reasons, and they often finish feeling disappointed and unsatisfied with their accomplishments. Can you make a better job of defining success? Goal-setting experts tell us we need to set “SMART” goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant...

Avoid Finish Line Disappointment

Athletes race for different reasons, and they often finish feeling disappointed and unsatisfied with their accomplishments. Can you make a better job of defining success? Goal-setting experts tell us we need to set “SMART” goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant...