Training periodisation - The Importance of hard weeks and easy weeks

Training periodisation - The Importance of hard...

As athletes embark on their training programmes, they’re never guilty of trying to maximise the amount of hard training they want to put in to be in peak condition at...

Training periodisation - The Importance of hard...

As athletes embark on their training programmes, they’re never guilty of trying to maximise the amount of hard training they want to put in to be in peak condition at...

Running and weight loss

Running and weight loss

Running alone isn’t enough if you want to shift some of that weight. A large proportion of people take up running in the hope it will lead to weight loss....

Running and weight loss

Running alone isn’t enough if you want to shift some of that weight. A large proportion of people take up running in the hope it will lead to weight loss....

Run slower to run FASTER!

Run slower to run FASTER!

I know it sounds counter-intuitive at first and I am anticipating some scepticism. When you’re running fast, muscles burning, breathing strenuously and sweating profusely you can literally feel yourself getting...

Run slower to run FASTER!

I know it sounds counter-intuitive at first and I am anticipating some scepticism. When you’re running fast, muscles burning, breathing strenuously and sweating profusely you can literally feel yourself getting...

How to cope with running in the heat.

How to cope with running in the heat.

Set an early alarm and beat the heat! The best time to run is early in the morning between 6-7am. For example, parkun Founder Paul Sinton-Hewitt says this is when...

How to cope with running in the heat.

Set an early alarm and beat the heat! The best time to run is early in the morning between 6-7am. For example, parkun Founder Paul Sinton-Hewitt says this is when...

You are what you consistently do!

You are what you consistently do!

As a Coach and Physio I fully recognise the role of CONSISTENCY in both ill health and fitness alike. There’s a saying that "you are what you consistently do" and...

You are what you consistently do!

As a Coach and Physio I fully recognise the role of CONSISTENCY in both ill health and fitness alike. There’s a saying that "you are what you consistently do" and...

Why use energy gels?

Why use energy gels?

Energy Gels are typically designed specifically for long distance sports performance, as you progress into extended periods of training and racing the nutrition that you take on board is also...

Why use energy gels?

Energy Gels are typically designed specifically for long distance sports performance, as you progress into extended periods of training and racing the nutrition that you take on board is also...